Wednesday, June 18

June 18, 2008---My cup runneth over...

As I progress through my lifestyle change, I have several friends and acquaintances that have asked me, how are you doing it? I thought I would share with you all what the difference is this time.

I believe there are several factors at play right now that are helping me achieve my first goal of losing 30 pounds.

1) I have the mindset that I AM doing this and I WILL do it. Daily, the most important decisions I make and the things I do involve eating correctly and exercising. There is without a doubt this is the most important thing in my life. Nothing else matters as much as this. There is no choice. I am going to do this or die trying (literally). If I do not the long term effects will be more impossible to bear than changing my life now and making a commitment to it.

2) I am making small changes at a time. I am not trying to do everything at once. The first 30 pounds are about writing down what I eat, staying within the dietary exchanges and/or calories, and getting a little more exercise than I used to.

3) Professional support and help. The staff at the Weight Loss clinic I go to are not telling me anything I have not heard before, but they are telling me in a way that helps me apply it. They also are very energetic and encouraging. I believe it is a good fit and they actually do understand what those that need to lose weight are going through.

4) My friends, sister, and co-workers. Without a doubt one of the number one factors in helping me lose weight is the support of my friends.

The picture attached to this post is a good example of the support I receive. On Tuesday, I came into work and this "measuring glass" was proudly displayed on my desk. It is a constant reminder, at work, of how far I have come. It will be a constant reminder of my goals and how I can achieve it. Much like gifts for anniversary presents, the glass rocks represent a milestone. Twenty-five pounds is glass, 40 pounds is rubies, etc. My co-workers and friends have offered me more support than I ever could have imagined. Some of the best encouragement I have received has come from my co-workers and friends I now work with on a daily basis.

I also get phone calls, facebook "pokes", and e-mails encouraging me a few times a week from friends old and new. I could never express in writing how each of the messages I receive brighten my day and encourage me even more. Not only did my friends willingly offer up donations for the mini next year, but they take time out of their busy lives to offer encouragement.

I cannot end this post without speaking nicely about the encouragement of my sister. She is also one of my supporters. She has gone on walks with me, and is starting her own weight loss regimen. Now for those that do not have a sibling, what that means is now a COMPETITION! Seriously, she too is very supportive.

So, to all my friends.

A toast to you and your goals.

Much Love,

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