Thursday, May 19

May 19, 2011 - I'm Not Dead!

Hello All,

Occasionally, I take an inadvertent break from blogging. This was one of those times. No reason for it really. Just didn't have much to say.  My 2nd video blog is FINALLY getting finished today so it should post this weekend.  Here is the latest scoop on my healthy living initiatives.

Weight Loss
I am still having trouble losing more weight. Right now, I am finding it hard to stop eating. I am hungry alllll the time. One day it was so bad that I was hiding food. I wouldn't let people know that I was eating. I am working with Miss Tappity Tap to treat this as an addiction. Fortunately, due to all the exercise, I am not gaining any weight during this latest bump in the road.

I was having trouble with getting out of bed for a couple of weeks, but things are better now. It helps that I have learned to talk about it so that my close friends can do an intervention.  Ultimately, I always have hope that the episode will be my last. I will come up with the magic combination of spiritual practice, diet, exercise, and supplements that will stop them once and for all!

I was unable to finish the Nashville Half Marathon due to illness/injury. No biggie. However, I am scheduled for the Chicago Half Marathon in August. Apparently, I enjoy the humidity and did not know it.  I am determined to get another medal this year. I LOVE the bling.

New Physician
I found a new Integrative Health practitioner. VERY excited about this. I am sure she will have a nickname soon. I will see her again in about a month after I do all my yearly maintenance blood tests, etc.

Dr. Pins and Needles
Dr. Pins and Needles moved away. He moved all the way back to Taiwan. Personally, I am about over these people in my posse just taking their stuff and moving to a new place. I have to admit, I was more upset as to WHY he had to move.

I am angry at my fellow Hoosiers for not supporting alternative methods for health care. It is very discouraging that individuals only want the quick fix or a pill. READ THIS PEOPLE! I am absolute proof that you can be healthier and change your life if you just try something other than the quick fix!  Look around you at people who try the quick fix. I guarantee most are not as healthy as I am at this point. You just have to keep at it. It is something you have to do every day.

PT Bruiser
PT Bruiser is still keeping me moving in the right direction.  We are now doing "zero scale." She knows how much I weigh, but I do not. The number doesn't matter. However, at the end of the month if I am up in weight I give her 40 dollars to donate. If I am down I get to go for a pedicure.  She's still very pretty!

Boot Camp
I keep getting suckered into more classes. I decided that for some strange reason I actually enjoy being that close to death 3-4 times a week.  Another Boot Camper accidentally dropped a kettlebell on Tabata Tod's foot. I savor the mental image whenever class gets rough. Of course, Tabata Tod doesn't find me funny at all.

Til Later!

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