Wednesday, December 3

December 3, 3008 - The Purge

Hello Bloggerland,

Before I explain about The Purge, I must tell you that my goal to walk the Mini Marathon is progressing nicely. My sister, 3 dogs, and I hiked 6 miles on Thanksgiving. Other than my knee hurting a bit it was quite the success! We walked the Whitewater Canal Trail in Metamora. It was a beautiful walk and I even managed to practice some Breath Walking!

Sunday evening, as I was doing laundry, I began the The Purge. I must get rid of clothes that no longer fit. The professionals at the Weight Loss Clinic believe this is a crucial step to accomplish as you lose weight. It is important to note, I have not sufficiently explained to them that I am a Pack Rat. Therefore, this project is not being accomplished without stress and apprehension. As this is not just a diet, but a positive lifestyle change, getting rid of things I do not need is all part of the process.

The process to rid myself of things I do not want, need, or simply do not have room for will be an all winter project. Much like my goal to take care of myself through healthy eating, I just plan on doing it no matter what the stress. If I run into difficulty I have a support system in place to accomplish The Purge. As with the healthy eating and weight loss, the support system is what carries me through the tougher times.

Til Next Week,

P.S. At my official weigh in it was revealed I lost 2 pounds in the past two weeks. I was hoping to be at 4 stone, but not quite.

1 comment:

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Wasn't our walk grand, Auntie? Soon, you will have lost 4 stone, which Katherine cannot say the same.

I am looking forward to additional walks with you!